RESCU expands its team

RESCU is expanding its roll call of contributing experts in beauty, health and wellbeing as part of the beauty and lifestyle site’s mission to keep users fully informed. The site delivers fresh product reviews, trend edits, helpful how-tos and insightful interviews on a daily basis.

“Our focus is always on giving RESCU readers new beauty ideas, breaking trends, solid solutions and the real story on new products, all curated by qualified voices who share their expertise in an irresistible, upbeat way. That’s RESCU’s unique position,” says RESCU founder and editor Bahar Etminan.

RESCU’s annual reader survey conducted in October found health and wellbeing is now very much intrinsically linked with beauty. “The blurring of health and wellbeing into the beauty space is no longer just a trend. It’s a reality,” says Etminan.

“We have responded by enhancing our expert offering and voices to deliver new takes on beauty both inside and out. Resoundingly, our readers see beauty as a 360-degree experience encompassing health, fashion, and emotional wellbeing. When their lives are in balance, they feel beautiful. I’m so excited about having an even bigger line-up of experts giving readers the beauty news and wellbeing cues they won’t find anywhere else.”

Etminan is proud to welcome the following contributing experts to the fold: cosmetic physician Dr Joseph Hkeik, dietitian Lyndi Polivnick, GP Dr Claudia Lee, clinical psychologist Leanne Hall, sexologist and relationships expert Dr Nikki Goldstein, fashion stylist Emma Read, style and image specialist Colette Werden, master life coach Margie Warrell, chef Massimo Mele, and sommelier Sarah Limacher.

RESCU’s regular line-up of experts includes Etminan, make-up artist Michael Brown, beauty and lifestyle editor Emma-Charlotte Bangay, personal trainer Sally Matterson, naturopath Anthia Koullouros, relationships expert Karen Phillip, real estate expert John McGrath, astrologer Yasmin Boland, finance expert Anthony Bell, and share market analyst Janine Cox.