How Pac Mags is expanding

The universal appeal of the goodie bag is what Pacific Magazines is banking on to grow audiences and advertisers, with the company expanding on its current sample boxes for subscribers.

Currently, the company produces a Marie Claire parcel and a Girlfriend parcel, with a Marie Claire Man one in the works. The success of these offerings has influenced the group’s interest in the wellbeing arena.

Marketing director Zoe Sabados told AdNews the company is eager to draw on the success of the existing sample boxes to expand into other fields and attract a wider demographic. More specifically, this refers to brands within the growing health and wellbeing sector.

“With so many magazines and television shows and Seven West Media having a huge audience, we are looking at women over forty, we’re looking at different pillars like health, and we’re looking at other pillars in the home category,” says Sabados.

Following on from the success of the current boxes, with the 5000 Marie Claire parcels regularly selling out, Pacific Magazines is also looking at expanding on distribution.

Sabados confirms: “There's no plans to up the rotation immediately but it's a long-term goal. We're finding that one per quarter is really working and we want to encourage sampling and then for the customer to then go in store to buy.”

The sample boxes include a selection of products from brands keen to reach the Pacific Magazines audience. As a part of the company’s marketing process, these products are also available online, via Pac Mags’ e-commerce platform.