Teens prove internet-obsessed

Teenagers’ infatuation with the internet is bordering on obsessive, if a recent study by GlobalWebIndex is anything to go by.

After examining the digital behaviours and attitudes of 16-19 year olds around the world, the research revealed teenagers spend three hours (on average) online every day.

This includes engaging with content on social media, smart devices and e-commerce sites.

One of the fastest-growing sectors is online shopping - with more than half of teens using the internet for this purpose. Currently, clothes and shoes are the most popular products purchased online, while mobile phones are most reviewed.

Convenience and access seem to be key to internet usage, with the study discovering teens are accessing the web on their smartphones just as much as they are via desktop computers and laptops.

Mobile usage is also growing by the day, with 14 per cent of teenagers using the social media app, Snapchat.