Mamamia welcomes a new senior writer

She's one of Australia's most prominent researchers on social and consumer trends, and now Mamamia Women's Network is thrilled to welcome Dr Rebecca Huntley to the team as a senior writer and director of research and insights.

Huntley has vast experience in media and research, including roles as IPSOS research director, book author, media commentator, and directing The Mind & Mood Report - Australia's longest running social trends report - for almost 10 years.

“Rebecca is without a peer in her research field, and I’m delighted to have her working closely with our clients, sales team and on bringing new leading research and insights on women to the Australian media landscape,” Mamamia Network national sales director of the Kylie Rogers tells Mumbrella.

Huntley adds, “I am thrilled to be part of The Mamamia Women’s Network. It’s a success story I’ve observed and admired from afar for some time. I am excited about focusing my passionate interest in social research on Australian women in all their diversity and enhancing Mamamia’s already great understanding of the market.”