Instagram and its social media siblings have become an advertiser’s dream, especially for the personal care realm. In a report published by Euromonitor, the utilisation of social media platforms for advertising purposes is proving particularly fruitful for the sector.
Consumer appliances analyst Thidathip Tawichi believes the internet will have a dramatic impact on personal care sales, which will be evident within the next five years. While household care is more reliant on technical functions, the personal care and beauty markets are relevant to social influence and specific celebrity endorsement.
"Personal care appliances are like other beauty care products in so much as consumers like to test and try something before purchasing it. Or they like to hear from influential celebrities and bloggers before making a decision. Social media is therefore considered as one of the most powerful marketing platforms for manufacturers of personal care appliances and other personal care," says Tawichi.
Internet retailing for the personal care sector is flourishing, with more than 75 million units sold online in 2014. This has increased 270 per cent between 2009-2014, with China, the US, the UK and Russia leading the boom.