The group empowering the blogging community

The rise and rise of the blogging community has motivated two of its members to create a support group of sorts, launching the Bloggers United AU late last year. Formed by Nikita Tasi of NJT Blogger and Jasmine Huston from Sweetaholic Beauty, the duo hold meetings, events, and catch-ups to help spread blogging tips and tricks and encourage open discussion about all things digital.

As bloggers ourselves, we know there aren’t many opportunities like what we are providing in our events or casual meet-ups. Bloggers can get together in a comfortable environment to chat about all things blogging – this environment is a complete open book with no questions off limits. This is where Bloggers United AU come in, we are a team of dedicated bloggers working together to create opportunities like these for bloggers.”

Bloggers United AU hopes to empower fellow bloggers and vloggers to “achieve a strong community that can be utilised for assisting bloggers for their blogs, to gain strong long-term relationships with brands, [and help] make new friends within the blogging community.”