Huff Post confirms its finer details

In her first interview regarding the highly anticipated launch of The Huffington Post in Australia, editor-in-chief Tory Maguire has let slip a few of the finer details. The publication will launch on August 19, with 30 staff working on the Australian title.

Housed in offices at Sydney’s Circular Quay, each staff member will be expected to contribute articles for the publication. While a small number will report to New York, most will be writing and producing content for the local site.

Maguire has also confirmed content will be drawn from a network of 900 journalists based around the world, which she believes will allow the team to focus on the content that is relevant to local audiences.

"I keep using the word ‘exciting’ over and over, but it genuinely is because The Huffington Post brand is so universal, it's so respected and people's reaction to it is incredibly positive," says Maguire.

She also commented that she doesn’t believe the new publication will oversaturate the market: “The way people consume their news media has changed enormously. I think this idea that there is a cap on the number of outlets that you can have in a particular market is very outdated."