Major Oz retailers ban microbeads

Increasing environmental awareness has led major Aussie supermarkets Woolworths and Coles to announce they will be banning the controversial ingredient microbeads from their shelves.

Microbeads are small pieces of plastic found typically in cleansers, body scrubs and soap. They can be washed into waterways, where they can be consumed by marine life - posing a threat to both flora and fauna.

A Woolworths spokesperson explains the phase-out to The Sydney Morning Herald: “We have been working to phase out microbeads in our own brand skin and body wash products and at present we have one remaining product. It is due to be phased out in the coming months." A spokesperson for Coles continued that they were pleased with their decision, as well as eager to encourage their suppliers to do likewise.

The use of microbeads is now certainly on the decline, with recent legislation in the US banning their use in personal care products. The Australian government is set to follow suit, with the federal Minister for Environment Greg Hunt announcing that state and territory governments have agreed to a voluntary phase-out by mid-2018.