Shelly Horton gets bold with ShellShocked Media

Last year saw Shelly Horton join the Mamamia team as host and producer of Mamamia TV, now the presenter and journalist is stepping out on her own - with the launch of her own production company ShellShocked Media.

Here, we chat to Horton to find out just what ShellShocked Media is all about...

What made you decide to launch ShellShocked Media?
I’ve found a niche in the market to make videos for companies that have trouble getting people to talk about their products. These days video content is vital and the videos ShellShocked Media creates have client audiences laughing and learning. You can check out our website here.

What will be offered by the production company?
There are three arms to ShellShocked Media:

  1. The video production company is a one-stop shop from initial video concept creation, producing, presenting and post-production.
  2. We also offer media and presentation training for people who will be in the media spotlight or want to present in their own videos. We can even package that up so it's a half-day presentation training and then a half-day creating video content that the client can run on their own site. Cool huh?
  3. I'm also available to MC events. My experience with live TV means I love chatting to a crowd. I've hosted day-long events for 1000 people or a breakfast for just 20. No matter what the size, I make it my goal to ensure everyone feels special.

How will it differ from its competitors?
I'm running the joint! Not many people have the skills to come up with the ideas, produce the concept and then jump in front of the camera to present them. On camera, I am disarmingly honest and open, which is rare in this industry. I’m not afraid to ask or answer uncomfortable questions. A perfect example is the controversial web series I created together with Dr Ginni Mansberg called Things You Can’t Talk About On TV. We discuss awkward health issues that you'd never hear coming out of Kochie's mouth. God it makes me laugh. On the media training side of the business, I find most training companies talk a lot of theory whereas I'm on Channel 7 three times a week. That's hard to beat.

Who would be your ideal client?
I want to work with clients who understand you sell the story first and the product sales follow quick smart. No one wants to watch an ad. The product doesn't have to be in the shot to make an impact. I want to work with clients who value entertaining and informative videos that have their customers laughing or gasping but most importantly sharing it with their friends.

Will you be looking to work with any beauty or health brands?
Hell yes! ShellShocked Media's first health client is Vagisil. I LOVE talking women's health and vagina is my favourite word. I want more clients in that area. But I won't use blue liquid to show period blood, we're grown ups, we can handle the truth. That's why Things You Can't Talk About On TV is the perfect platform - from itchy bumholes to vaginal dryness - no health topic is taboo.  

When it comes to beauty products, I want to make videos that connect with customers emotionally. I want to tell stories about how women feel about ageing, challenge the definition of beauty and have a laugh at beauty mistakes we've all made. I also think there's a huge market for instructional videos. I want to learn how to contour like a Kardashian and change my eye make-up from desk to disco in 60 seconds. But it has to be a fun challenge and most importantly honest.

Where do we see Shelly Horton in five years time?!
I'll be hosting my own chat show. The Shelly Show has a mighty fine ring to it.
