Women’s Health and Fitness announces new beauty editor

Kristina Ioannou has been appointed the new beauty editor of Women’s Health and Fitness, commencing June 2017. BD chatted with Ioannou to find out more about her upcoming role.

Could you tell us a bit about your background and where you were working before?
I completed a Bachelor of Journalism at RMIT UNIVERSITY in 2010. At the time I was interning for an online lifestyle, beauty & fashion magazine called Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily. This turned into a full time beauty editor & social media manager role – an incredible journey that saw me travel across the globe, interview celebrities and work amongst an inspiring team every day.

In 2015 I launched my own business, WE ARE EDEN; servicing clients across social media management, content creation, public relations, branding, influencer outreach, public speaking, consultancy and more. I also had the privilege of becoming manager to YouTuber, blogger and makeup artist Heidi Hamoud. I still manage Heidi who is incredibly talented, and it's great to be on both ends of the spectrum.

What will your role at WHAF entail?
Lots of beauty stories! I will be responsible for compiling two to three feature stories each month across a range of topics. This will involve sourcing relevant information from the experts, product recommendations, data and statistics; plus the fun part, trialling awesome products and test-driving the latest buzz treatments. Huzzah!

Will you be working full-time or part-time?
It is a remote role, part-time and I will still be running my business and freelancing on the side.

How can beauty brands and PRs work with you in the future?
I am always open to product and story pitches, and event/beauty treatment invites so don't be afraid to reach out. I also am beefing up my expert contact list so if you are an expert in your field – feel free to say hi!

What are you most looking forward to?
Immersing myself deeply in a creative flow and birthing content that inspires and educates. WHAF is a publication that rings true to my heart because it combines all of the things I love - fitness, health, wellness and self-empowerment.