Byredo’s collaborating with a brand you won’t expect

In a movement that’s confusing many, IKEA has become the trendy brand du jour over the past couple of months; and now Byredo is jumping on the IKEA bandwagon by teaming up with the Swedish homewares giant.

While few details of the project are available at the moment, we know that the collaboration will be launching in 2019 and will be based on the creation of home fragrances.

Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a statement “I feel people just don't reflect enough when it comes to scent, but smell is a very relevant part of our life and also the home. To collaborate on this idea of 'invisible design' with IKEA, getting people to think about smell is very exciting. I enjoy their openness to new ideas and the experimental nature of what we're doing."

IKEA notes in their announcement that the collection will be “a democratic approach to smell”, so hopefully this will mean consumers can purchase Byredo candles at IKEA prices.