Continuing to elevate its advertising options and methods for targeting consumers, Facebook has unveiled its newest feature.
Yesterday the social-media giant introduced a series of new formats so that advertisers can include more information in ads, in a similar style to a catalogue. It also revealed a new targeting feature that allow marketers to reach residents of the same home based on information Facebook provides.
For example, if a child has been eyeing off a product online for Christmas, advertisers can push that content to their parents.
Facebook head of global retail and ecommerce strategy, Martin Barthel, commented on the changes to the advertising strategy, and particularly the impact it will have on mobile shoppers: “With the rise of mobile, you basically have access to curated, highly personalised inventory.
“Think of all the fashion ads available to you on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, where the essence of personal shopping is really embedded, and the discovery of brands and products is readily available.”