Meet body+soul's new features writer

body+soul has announced that Jaymie Hooper is now features writer. BD chatted with Jaymie to find out a little bit more about the position...

Could you tell us a bit about your background and where you were working before? 
I started out at Women's Fitness magazine, where I was editorial coordinator, beauty and features writer and finally beauty and features editor.

What will your role at body+soul entail?
I'll be covering everything from health, wellness and fitness to lifestyle and profiles.

How can brands and PRs best work with you in the future?
Email is the best way to catch me. Or, if I'm being honest about my inbox management, the follow-up email.

What are you most looking forward to?
I can't wait to explore more of the health and wellness world, and of course I'm loving the chance to work with the lovely team at body+soul.

How can people get in touch with you?
Feel free to shoot me an email at