Benefit uncovers interesting survey findings

A new survey launched by reveals Australian women have one major beauty concern - their pores. Conducted among Australian women, the survey found 42 per cent of Australian women find large pores to be a major skin concern.

The survey discovered almost 50 per cent of women wish they could reduce the appearance of their pores, with 67 per cent saying a smooth complexion is their priority when it comes to their skin.

Over half the women surveyed suffer from an oily t-zone, and a further 67 per cent say pores are most prominent and visible on their nose. Blackheads were found to be the primary pore issue for 67 per cent of respondents.

Interestingly, the survey found Australian women are not overly educated on pores. Almost 70 per cent believe it is possible to shrink pores, when in fact it is only possible to reduce their appearance.