New fortnightly magazine launches

With the closure of mX magazine in June this year, Eastern Suburbs newspaper Latté Life is filling the void by launching a free fortnightly newspaper in Sydney's CBD.

Titled City Circular, the magazine will be distributed by hand at inner city train stations and local cafés, bars and pubs, apartment buildings, and office blocks. It is predicted to have a readership of 75,000.

“For us, we find with our papers, the growth has been so rapid and I think it’s because we’re so connected locally with our communities. It’s a different feel we have, it’s a different flavour,” City Circular editor Jane King told Mumbrella.

“Producing it fortnightly allows us to do that, when people get something all the time they get sick of it, whereas once a fortnight, it’s a little bit more ‘oh yeah I’ll grab one of those’. It’s a different model.

“Based on the success we’ve had with our launch into the Southern Highlands a year ago and our publication in the Eastern Suburbs, the flavour of our papers is quite different. We are just going into the mX space, we’re not trying to replicate or emulate it in any way.”

City Circular editorial team will consist of King, former The Australian writer Cassandra Murnieks and fashion editor Elsie Kassis Grimes - who previously worked as the beauty editor at Latté Life.