Elizabeth Arden’s new marketing strategy

Elizabeth Arden has taken the next step in their marketing strategy by utilising consumer-insight driven feedback to guide their product development. 

The 4,000 person-strong “Arden insiders” program gives their loyal customers the opportunity to deliver feedback on their product innovation and design decisions; as well as use the community’s feedback on current products to guide future Elizabeth Arden decisions. 

Senior Director of Global Insights, Celia Tombalakian, has since said in a press release that “the Customer Intelligence platform allows us not only to identify our customer’s likes and dislikes but to stay current on who she is and where she is going from a beauty point of view.

“Typical focus groups or questionnaires just can’t capture this. We launched our community as a one-year pilot and within six months we were discussing plans for geographic expansion. The ROI was very apparent to all stakeholders.”