Flipping the bird for a cause

As a part of the crusade against negative body image, FABY Nails have teamed up with the Butterfly Foundation for the Don’t DIS My Appearance campaign. The fundraising initiative encourages people to paint their middle finger for the month of May in an effort to shed light on body shaming within the community.

Currently, around one million people across Australia suffer from eating disorders - a statistic the campaign hopes to reduce with the public’s involvement.

As the Butterfly Foundation’s CEO Christine Morgan explains: “Painting your middle finger is a cheeky and symbolic way of saying, ‘I am more than my appearance, and no-one has a right to judge me based on how I look.”

“By supporting the Don’t DIS My Appearance campaign, you are taking a stand against appearance-based judgment and helping to affect positive change for those living with an eating disorder.”

General manager of FABY Nails Karon McKendrick-Taylor says of FABY’s involvement: “Many people use nail polish to express themselves and their emotions, and we believe this campaign is perfectly aligned with FABY’s brand values towards positive imaging.”

will donate 100 per cent of profits from selected nail lacquers sold in May towards the campaign, which is set to launch on May 6.