Margaret Zhang and La Mer team up for ocean conservation

Prestige skincare brand La Mer has partnered with 50 of the world's most influential artists and culture-makers – including Margaret Zhang – on a new campaign that sees them fill New York City with extraordinary wave-inspired sculptures.

The La Mer Wave Walk is a public art trail being produced in partnership with charity Project 0, that will help raise funding to support Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Joining Zhang in creating the sculptures for the exhibition is Bruce Weber, Laird Hamilton, Sienna Miller and Vivienne Westwood among others.

"I have a personal connection with the water, I think most Australians do. Ocean conservation is very much a part of our everyday vernacular because we get so much from it," says Zhang on why she decided to join the campaign.

"I was inspired to join the La Mer Wave Walk because in the current climate it's very important for people to have visual and tactile experiences alongside the information that comes with a chorus like ocean conservation. The inspiration behind my wave sculpture is The Birth of Venus, which is a beautiful painting by Botticelli. It really represents the ocean as a life source and this magical, ethereal being." 

The La Mer Wave Walk installations will be located all over New York City from May 20 - June 21 when the exhibition will culminate with a live auction at Sotherby's. One hundred percent of the net proceeds will go to the La Mer Blue Heart Oceans Fund for Project 0 that supports restoring and protecting MPAs across the world.

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