Want more Gen Z shoppers? Get WiFi in-store

A new survey from the HRC Retail Advisory is giving retailers insight into how to drive Gen Z shoppers into their stores; and the biggest drawcard? WiFi.

HRC president Farla Efros explained the need for online communication while Gen Z-ers are in store, as a majority send photos via Snapchat, iMessage and Instagram to friends for approval: “It’s almost a necessity for stores to have that strong WiFi connection so these kids can make a decision.”

Other Gen Z and millennial behaviours noted were the desire to emulate looks by the Kardashians and Jenners; and watching YouTube reviews and tutorials before stepping in store. “These kids are saying, ‘I watch them, I learn, I still don’t know what to do, and then I go into the store so I can have someone show me and teach me,’” Efros says of the participants in the survey.

As for product quality, Efros notes that Gen Z are more concerned about animal testing and sustainability.