Facebook predicted to be video-only in five years

Video’s presence among social media looks set to continue its rise, with a Facebook executive predicting it will take over text on the website in the near future.

Nicola Mendelsohn – Facebook vice president of operations for Europe, the Middle East and Africa – commented recently at a conference that the site “will be probably all video” within the next five years. As to why, Mendelsohn believes that video is by far the strongest communication method, commenting it is “the best way to tell stories in this world" that also "helps us to digest much more information”.

The prevalence of video on Facebook has been spearheaded by the site’s growing range of visual content that includes Facebook Live, GIFs, photos, moving images, and the ability for users to comment via video as well as text. It’s a handful of offerings that Mendelsohn believes will assist in whittling down the presence of text on the platform – a notion that has already begun: “We're seeing a year-on-year decline of text,” she says.