bdBLOG: The ultimate beauty sin celebs are committing

Last night I committed a cardinal sin in the beauty industry – I slept in my make-up. Before you all shudder in absolute disgust, and I know there should be no excuse, hopefully I can be forgiven due to the fact that I fell asleep in front of the television at an embarrassing time (around 7.30pm), later stumbling in the dark from the couch to my bed.

While Dolly Parton is certainly not the first person that normally comes to mind when I’m asked about role models, it did make me feel slightly better to discover that she has not only also slept in her make-up - but makes it a habit to do so.

"I leave my makeup on at night and clean my face in the morning when I'm on the road. What if there is an earthquake or a fire? If I had to hit the streets, at least my face would be on!” laughs Parton.

I know it's stupid, I know it's vain, but I think, 'Oh Lord, all of those celebrities caught drunk and in all those horrible mug shots with no make-up on, I'm never going to be caught in the streets like one of those folks.’”

Feeling slightly better about myself after reading this, I probably should have stopped looking into it there and then… unfortunately I decided to investigate further.

Standing in the corner strongly against sleeping in make-up was The Vampire Diaries’ Nina Dobrev. Wash your face at the end of the night! There’s nothing worse than sleeping in makeup. You wake up looking like a painting that’s been left out in a rainstorm,” says Dobrev.

Rachel Weisz agrees with her: My greatest beauty secrets are happiness, always take your make-up off before bed and exercise."

Her former bestie Paris Hilton may be an advocate for sleeping in her make-up, but doing so makes Kim Kardashian go as far as to hate herself. I fell asleep in my make-up two days ago. My skin was perfect and then I fell asleep with all my make-up on. I woke the next morning and was like, ‘Why did I do that?’ I hate myself every time I do it.”

The only one that seems to be joining Parton, Hilton and my evil (sleepy) alter-ego is Lady Gaga - who admitted she sleeps in her make-up seven nights a week. That is not good for your skin, but I’m blessed with good genes,” the singer revealed.

What this has taught me? Next time I feel the telltale sign of droopy eyes I’m jumping off that couch and straight to the bathroom cabinet to get all cleared up before sleep-time.