Beauty editor launches new site The Beauty Gloss

After working in magazines for the past seven years, New Idea beauty editor Elise Wilson is moving into the digital domain with the launch of her new beauty site The Beauty Gloss. She chats to BD about her shift to online, and what people can expect from the site.

Can you tell me a bit about The Beauty Gloss?
I started The Beauty Gloss as an online destination focused solely on all things beauty-related. I want this website to be a one-stop shop for everything hair, make-up, nails and more, and my goal is to provide readers with up-to-date beauty news and trends. On the site, you’ll not only get great beauty articles, valuable tips and tricks, and informative how-tos, but you’ll also have the chance to win some amazing prizes through our exclusive giveaways!

Why did you decide to launch the site?
I've worked in magazines for seven years now and have absolutely loved it! However, a lot has changed since I was 19 and online is just getting bigger and bigger - especially with beauty blogs, websites, forums and vlogging - so it feels like a natural progression. Sometimes, I wish I'd done it sooner, but I'm not one of those people who believes the “the grass is greener”, so I wait until something feels right - then throw all my energy into it. I also love learning new things, and the world of online is fascinating, especially after working in print media for so long. The immediacy of digital appeals to me, and communicating with my readers has been so fun and rewarding. I've been blown away at the amount of people that have been supportive of the site and those who've reached out to be a part of it, too.

How does The Beauty Gloss differ from other beauty websites?
I initially drew a lot of inspiration from Australian beauty editors who'd moved from print to online to form their own websites, and that helped me to find my own niche. I wanted this site to be interactive, bright and fun, but above all, to provide valuable content to readers and be at the forefront of what's happening in the industry, especially here in New Zealand. I guess I haven't tried to be everything at once either... I'm solely beauty-focused as that's my expertise, but I believe in starting small and thinking big. That's not to say the site won't evolve in the future, as I'd love to have more fashion elements one day. I guess you'll have to stay tuned on that one!

What are you hoping to achieve with The Beauty Gloss?
Seeing as I'm only just starting out, my main priority is growing my audience and traffic through the site. I'm passionate about what I'm doing at the moment, which has given me so much motivation to keep posts updated regularly, and all social media channels very active. My second goal is to get on board with some great brands to offer integrated opportunities and campaigns. Working as a beauty editor for almost four years has allowed me to work with some amazing brands, big and small, so it’s exciting they can be part of my projects now.

Will you continue working as a make-up artist?
Yes, I definitely will! Being a hair and make-up artist has been so valuable over the years, not only because I absolutely love it, but because I get to meet and talk to real women. It's refreshing to hear their thoughts on all things beauty, and rewarding when they come to me for advice and tips after reading something in a magazine or watching it on TV. After all, The Beauty Gloss is for them, and my clients inspire articles and ideas for the site. I was warned (or should I say, ‘advised’) that having my own website wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but I'm a great multi-tasker and up for the challenge!

What can people expect from The Beauty Gloss in the future?
I want my site to keep growing and evolving. I want more contributors, more exciting content and brand integration - more of everything! It's exciting to start something from scratch and to have creative control. The Beauty Gloss really is an extension of my personality, and I want to convey that on the site and all my social media channels... and for people to love it and keep coming back for more!

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