Chelsea Tromans talks joining the blogosphere

With a slew of digital experience under her belt including writing for the likes of homeheaven, LifeStyled, Daily Addict, Younger You, The Knot and Primped, Chelsea Tromans is now using her online know-how to launch a blog.

Named after its founder, features a virtual plate of all her lifestyle passions including beauty, craft, homewares, food and travel.

Here, we chat to Tromans about launching a blog and what we can expect from it.

Why did you decide to launch a blog?
It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but haven’t been able to make the time to really get it off the ground and to the standard I wanted until now. As my role as beauty editor evolved to also include fashion, home, food, travel and weddings through the years, I gained so much knowledge across so many great industries but I didn’t have a place to share it all, and in my own words. Also, being a full time freelancer now, it’s great to have my name to something so everyone can always find me, no matter where I’m freelancing at the time.

What is the blog about?
It’s about everything! Life’s too short to have just one interest. It’s about beauty products I love, places I travel to, new homewares launches and my wishlists, restaurant reviews and recipes, a little bit of fashion, and just things I love and my own personal stories. I know people say when you start a blog you need to find a niche, but the truth is I have so many interests and things that I’m passionate about that sticking to just one isn’t for me.

What topics will it be covering?
Product reviews, news, tips, inspiration and anecdotes across all things beauty, home, food, fashion, and travel.

How does it differ from other blogs on the market?
It has a bit of everything in one and my own personal spin.

What are you hoping to achieve with your blog?
For now, I’m just happy to have a virtual home to call my own, where I can share my thoughts, tips, what I’m up to and all the great content that lands in my inboxes (yes, I have more than one inbox!). It’s also my online portfolio where people can get in touch with freelance work plus I’d love to work with advertisers on sponsorships and brand partnerships down the track.