News Corp jobs on the chopping block

News Corp Australia is the latest publishing house to make cuts to staff, confirming yesterday that 55 jobs will face the chop across its newspapers. Titles such as The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, The Herald Sun and The Courier Mail will be in the firing line.

News Corp did not make an official comment, but a report in The Australian published the following: “News Corp plans to lose around 55 journalism roles in the coming week, which will involve a handful of jobs, at most, in any particular news outlet. It is believed many will be mutually agreed with the affected staff members. Editorial managers responsible for the cuts were also briefed this morning about the program.”

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is not happy with the news, with media director Katelin McINerney commenting: ““Journalists already work intensely hard and in these days of increased demand for content and the need for quality journalism to ensure the public’s right to know, these job losses are a short-sighted response that erodes the ability of News Corp to deliver news, information and entertainment to its audiences.

“MEAA will meet with the company in coming days and we have called the company to ensure that any job losses are done through a voluntary redundancy process. MEAA will consult with affected members on [the] next steps.”